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Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery/Biceps Tendon Repair

Just because you have had shoulder surgery doesn’t guarantee mobility and strength to your shoulder. If left without rehab, your shoulder might just develop complications along the way, and take a long time to heal.

It is best to contact physical therapy for post-operative rehab if you have had any kind of shoulder surgery. Whether a rotator cuff repair, biceps tendon repair, or shoulder replacement.

With the right program for your rehab, you are sure to get the most out of your surgery and bring complete recovery to your shoulder. Request an appointment with one of our physical therapists today.

A severe tear to your rotator cuff can result in surgery.
Your rotator cuff is made up of four groups of muscles that attach to the head of your upper arm and keeps your arm in the shoulder socket (glenoid). On the other hand, injury to the tendons in your biceps also causes pain in your shoulder and biceps. Bicep tendon tears are also known as SLAP lesions. SLAP is an acronym for Superior (topmost) Labral tear from Anterior (front) to posterior (back). A SLAP lesion happens when the superior labrum (upper labrum) is torn at or near its attachment to the biceps. The labrum surrounds the head of the shoulders socket (glenoid) and helps the humerus head to fit properly in the socket, at the same time, it provides cushioning and a full range of motion in the shoulder.
A severe injury of the bicep tendons can also lead to surgery.
Not all rotator cuff tear or bicep tendon tear require surgery. Non-surgical treatments can also be used to treat these conditions. Non-surgical treatments would include:


Avoiding activities leading to the tear

Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen and

Physical therapy

However, if after conservative treatments, the conditions provide no relief, or the tear is very severe, surgery becomes the last option.
Surgery for Rotator Cuff Tears and SLAP Lesions
Since most of the symptoms for both conditions are similar to other conditions causing pain in the shoulder, a diagnosis has to be made to rule out other problems. Once it is confirmed that it is a rotator cuff tear or SLAP lesion or both, and the tear is severe, surgery is recommended to repair the tear. Usually, arthroscopic surgery is performed. With this technique, small incisions are made to the shoulder compared to larger ones (open surgery). This reduces complications associated with surgery and promotes quick healing. After the surgery, your arm will be put in a sling to limit movement and heal faster. Oral anti-inflammatory medications would also be prescribed to reduce swelling and pain. A couple of weeks (2-4 weeks) later, your shoulder should have healed enough to be removed from the sling, and post-operative rehabilitation begins.
Physical Therapy for Rotator Cuff repair Biceps Tendon Repair surgery
To gain strength, motion, and flexibility to your shoulders quickly after surgery, a structured post-operative rehab program is very vital. Our physical therapists at Polygon PT will offer your range-of-motion exercise to restore motion to your shoulder and arm. After which strengthening exercises for your shoulder will be performed repeatedly to gain strength. While in post-operative rehab, you’ll be educated about prevention from rotator cuff tears and SLAP lesions. In at least 3 months, you can return to sports like golf and tennis. Although, you should avoid putting too much stress on the shoulder. Your physical therapist will advise you on how much stress your shoulder can tolerate at this time. Complete recovery is usually achieved 6 months to 1 year after surgery when you will be able to use your shoulder in full motion again. Get started on post-surgery rehab today. Request an appointment with one of our physical therapists.