Radial Tunnel Syndrome

Are you experiencing a dull aching pain around your elbow, forearm, or wrist? Does it worsen at night and make you unable to sleep? Radial tunnel syndrome might just be the cause.
It is important to visit a physical therapist so other conditions can be ruled out, and for treatment to commence immediately. Doing this ensures that the symptoms do not worsen, and eliminates the need for harmful pain killers and surgery.
Contact us right away. Our therapists can’t wait to see that your pain goes away and that strength and flexibility are restored to your shoulders.
Keep reading to learn what radial tunnel syndrome is all about.
What is Radial Tunnel Syndrome?
Radial tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of a pinched radial nerve usually at the elbow.
The radial nerve is among the three major nerves found in the arm. It starts from the neck, and runs behind the upper arm, then crosses the outer elbow to the forearm and hand.
At the elbow, the radial nerve goes through into a tight tunnel. This tunnel is formed by tendons, muscles, and bone, and is known as the radial tunnel.
someone with this syndrome may experience pain and difficulty in moving the forearm or hand.

Symptoms of Radial Tunnel Syndrom
Symptoms can vary among individuals, but the common ones are:
- Pain in the elbow, forearm, and hand
- Weakness of the forearm and wrist muscles
The pain associated with radial tunnel syndrome is usually a dull ache that is usually felt at the top of the forearm. Very few patients describe the pain as piercing or stinging.
It occurs usually when the person straightens their elbow, fingers, or wrist. The pain can also worsen at night.
Causes Radial Tunnel syndrome
Radial tunnel syndrome can happen anywhere along the radial nerve.
However, it usually occurs in the elbow because, at that point, the nerve passes a very narrow and tight space surrounded by muscles, tendons, and bones (the radial tunnel).
The following are the most common causes:
Overuse of the arm
Injury of the arm
Certain movements of the hand and wrist that pinch the nerve
Inflammation of the nerve
Swelling in the arm
Growths around the nerve
Those at Risk of Developing Radial Tunnel syndrome
Radial tunnel syndrome can happen to anyone. However, those more at risk for developing it includes
- Individuals Involved in sports or vocations that require repetitive twisting of the wrist
- Persons with diabetes
- Persons with underactive thyroid gland
- Individuals with growth or tumors in the arm that causes the nerve to be pinched
- Persons that have just received a severe blow to the forearm
- Persons with fluid or swelling in the arm that compresses the nerve
Diagnoses for Radial Tunnel Syndrome
At Polygon PT, a physical therapist will perform a physical examination on your arm to determine the location and type of the pain.
Since imaging tests do not indicate the presence of this condition, you will be required to perform certain motions with your arm for the PT to diagnose the condition, and rule out other options. Nerve conduction tests may also be used

Treatment for Radial Tunnel syndrome
Your physical therapist will create a custom treatment plan for you. The overall goal of the treatment plan is to prevent future occurrences of the symptoms.
Treatment will include
- Resting your arm from activities causing the nerve to be pinched. This could be from sports or vocation
- Therapeutic exercise to reduce the pian
- Techniques to adopt to prevent the nerve from being pinched
- Using a wrist or elbow brace to support the hand during the day and night
- Placing ice packs on the arm, elbow, and hand to reduce swelling
Using physical therapy eliminates the need for non-steroidal drugs like ibuprofen, prevents surgery, and the occurrence of future symptoms
Get Started with Physical Therapy Today!
Want to get rid of your radial tunnel syndrome without medications or surgery, the get started with physical therapy today.
You don’t need to keep managing that elbow pain, get relief today!
Contact one of our physical therapists at Polygon PT now